Google Keyword Tool is a window into the world’s innermost desires. Often the keywords reported are mundane and predictable: [hotels at disney], [disneyland restaurants], etc. Some days, however, I’m struck by a particular phrase and the intent behind it. To the keyword phrases that brighten my days I dedicate this “As Seen on GKT” column.
Today’s As Seen on GKT: [disneyland bar] and [club at disneyland]
People go to Disneyland to have a good time. For some people having a good time is synonymous with partying, and for others it means photos of the kids with Snow White. These two search phrases show different sides of the “having a good time” coin, which is what fascinates me most.
- Bars: It’s hard to mistake the intent here. People looking for bars in or around Disneyland are either there to party, or there with the whole fam-damn-ily and in need of something to dull the edge. The [bars near disneyland] query caught my attention first and got me thinking about the parents who just wanted to wander off and drown out the shrieking scene with a stiff drink or five. But who am I to say. Last time I went to Disneyworld with my then-princess-obsessed daughter Hazel I had a glass of wine or two and quite enjoyed myself. But I didn’t feel the need to tie one on or search out the available bars nearby. There’s a difference and it puts a pretty big downer on the whole “Happiest Place on Earth” thing.
- Clubs: While bars have a more depressing connotation in my opinion, clubs have a celebratory connotation. You go to a club to dance and have fun, not to sit on a stool and stare into your cups. When I happened upon the search queries for [club at disneyland] and the like, I realized there’s another side to drinking at Disney — the fun side! I could especially recall all the 20-somethings I saw at Disneyworld and the great fun they were having. Of course they’d seek clubs as part of their trip. OK, that’s less depressing.
- Secret Club: But what’s this? A secret Disneyland club? Keyword research exposes you to some of the coolest stuff you never knew existed. Like a secret members-only club in the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland. If you’ve got a couple extra grand lying around and love Disneyland, check out Club 33 for the elite experience. Apparently.
Originally posted on Web PieRat.