Drive More Business While Decreasing Your Advertising Costs

If you are like most businesses, you would love to drive even more business through your doors. You’d also love to decrease your advertising expense. The idea of doing both of these at the same time sounds a bit more than just “too good to be true.” Over the next few minutes, you’ll learn how it is true and how you can do it.

The first step is that you need to have a website. If there is any requirements, that would be it. If you don’t have a website, then you should make that a top priority and have that addressed as soon as possible. Not doing so is like running your business with a big “CLOSED” sign on the front door. We’re not even talking about the quality of your website, just having one. Continue reading “Drive More Business While Decreasing Your Advertising Costs”

You Don’t Need A New Website

Okay, this may sound a bit surprising, but it’s true. Contrary to what you might initially be thinking, you may not need a new website. Your current website might not be doing it for you any more, but you shouldn’t be too quick to toss it out.

Often when things aren’t working like you had hoped with your business or your website, the first response is to start talking to your designer about a new website. You don’t hop in your car, drive to the dealership and say, “I need a new car,” just because your current car needs a good cleaning. Continue reading “You Don’t Need A New Website”