Happy Halloween from Web Pierat [COSTUMES]

A merry All Hallow’s Eve to ye all. I couldn’t manage a true Pierat costume, so I settled for a bonny good pirate costume instead. My daughter Hazel, 8, went as a bewitching devil. Ah, but the weekend’s festivities were but a precursor to the Beggar’s Night. A safe and mischievous All Hallow’s Eve to ye all.

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Originally posted on Web PieRat.

Navigation: Your Biggest On-Site SEO Asset

My latest article at Practical Ecommerce, read it in full here.


A site’s navigational links can help its search engine optimization. Links pass “link popularity,” little votes of value, from the linking page to the destination page. In addition, the link’s anchor text — the visible text portion of the link — passes a relevance signal. Relevance and value, or quality, are the foundation of SEO. A site’s navigation has the power to improve both.

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Originally posted on Web PieRat.

SEO: Top 3 Developer Gripes

My latest article at Ecommerce Developer, read it in full here.


In my ongoing efforts to work more closely with developers to achieve search engine optimization goals, I decided to poll a few of my developer friends anonymously to understand their side of the love, less-love relationship between search engine optimization and site development. Three primary trends quickly appeared.

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Originally posted on Web PieRat.

SEO: Convert More Before Driving More

My latest article at Practical Ecommerce, read it in full here.


Many organic search marketers focus on increasing rankings and traffic to a site. What happens to that traffic once it hits the site, they assume, is someone else’s problem. This is a wrong approach. Search marketing’s ultimate goal isn’t usually to drive more traffic; it’s to convert more sales. More traffic just creates more server load, which is worthless unless it’s converting. The easiest way to convert more organic search traffic is to convert more of the existing traffic.

For search-engine-optimization professionals, this is yet another occasion to turn to your developers and request their assistance.

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Originally posted on Web PieRat.

My Un-Digital Life: Gardening

I’m going to take a break from blogging about SEO and Android and social media to talk about something that feeds my soul: gardening. All day long I sit at my computer and collect data, analyze data, write content, research links, and produce nothing physical. It takes a surprising toll on my sense of accomplishment, even when the results are great. Gardening helps fill that need for physical toil and reward.

I’m fortunate to live on an acre of land in Crystal Lake, IL, with lots of different areas of shade and sun, great soil and poor, so I have a lot of opportunities to create gardens that feature different types of plants. In my digital life I look for patterns and rules and guidelines to navigate the rocky waters of SEO. Well, it’s the same with gardening.

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